The story of one of many deserving shelter dogs, shared by Jessica last week Wednesday (4.18) at Unleashed. Read all the way through for a surprise ending!
"This isn't the best picture, but I believe it is still worth a thousand words...
This is Black Eyed Pea.
If you were to look at her adoption-records, it is rather extensive... And not one time was her being returned "her fault". This poor girl has been dealt one hell of a hand in her life, and the odds have seemingly ALWAYS been against her.
She has been in and out of the "system" since 2014, and my heart could not be more broken for her.
The shelter-life is NOT for her.
She howls, barks, screams, and pants in her room, here...
She drools excessively because she is just so confused and scared as to WHAT in the world brought her back to this shelter.
I decided to make her my office dog, today, and just lost it...
I seriously cant stop crying over her.
Her room is right across from my office and it hurts so bad making eye-contact with such a broken dog who you can't really "help".
She is so upset here... But my office will do for now...
Right when I brought her in, she lied down and took a long, deep breath of relief to just be in somewhat more of a "home-setting".
(The desks and office chairs help.)
She seriously did a 180 when I brought her in.
I am so distraught.
Pea is looking desperately for a foster or adoptive-home.
She is dog friendly with a proper intro. She doesnt really like the felines.
She is PERFECT with people.
Please... Keep Pea in mind..."
NOW for the great news, just announced on Thursday, 4.19! Just ONE day after Jessica shared the post above...
We are soooo happy to announce that Black Eyed Pea was just adopted to a BEAUTIFUL family with four kids, no other pets, and a HUGE YARD.
Thank you for sharing her posts, guys!!!
Here is to new beginnings!!!"